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Battle for online popularity in Oshi Push—a collectable card game where players take on the role of Vtubers vying for digital dominance! Strategize with Content cards to build your Influence, capture Platforms, and rocket your Subscriber Total. The first player to earn 1,000,000 Subscribers wins! Choose your favorite VTuber and take social media by storm in the ultimate game of digital strategy and influence.

Parts of a Card

Card Types


Each player starts with their chosen Persona in play; this is the VTuber that represents you as a player. Each Persona has a base Influence stat that will contribute to your Influence total on whichever Platform they visit, as well as a base Funds stat that will determine both how many Funds you start the game with and how many you’ll earn each turn. Finally, each Persona has a unique ability that can be used throughout the game.


Upgrades represent more powerful versions of your Persona. Each will come with increased Influence and Funds stats, as well as new unique abilities. When you Upgrade your Persona, place the Upgrade face-up on top of your existing Persona.


Content cards represent the kinds of video content that your VTuber is producing. These will be played onto Platform cards during gameplay, where they will contribute to your overall Influence on that Platform and remain unless forcibly removed from play. Some Content cards come with powerful game changing effects, so experiment with different kinds of Content to find a winning formula!

Content cards are “deleted” by discarding them from play when the corresponding Platform is captured.


Actions are single-use cards that can be played during either the Content or Platform Phases to shift Influence or otherwise affect the game. Playing Actions at the most opportune time is a key part of an effective strategy! These cards are discarded immediately after use.


Platform cards represent the various digital Platforms that players are trying to capture throughout the game. Each has a Popularity Threshold that must be met before the Platform can be captured, and each grants a certain number of Subscribers to the player who captures it. Some Platforms also reward players who win a Clash at that Platform during the Platform Phase.

*[Note] If there are any discrepancies between the rule manual and the card text, the card text should take precedence.

Building a Deck

As a collectible card game, Oshi Push encourages players to experiment by building new and unique decks. Players wishing to build their own decks must follow these rules:

  1. Choose your Persona.
    1. Your choice of Persona will dictate the kinds of cards you can add to your Draw Deck.
    2. Each Persona is associated with both a color/shape and a genre. When building your Draw Deck, you can include any cards that match your Persona’s color, genre, or both.
  2. Build your Draw Deck by adding Actions, Upgrades, and Content.
    1. Each Draw Deck must contain exactly 40 cards, not including your Persona.
    2. No Draw Deck can contain more than three copies of the same card.
  3. Build your Platform Deck.
    1. Each Platform Deck must contain exactly five Platform cards with no duplicates.


Starting a Game

  1. Each player places their chosen Persona face-up in front of them, in their Studio.
  2. Each player collects Funds equal to their Persona’s Funds stat and adds these to their Bank.
  3. Each player shuffles their Draw Deck, places it face-down in their Studio, and draws a hand of five cards. 
    1. Players may take a one-time mulligan by shuffling those five cards back into their Draw Deck and redrawing five cards.
  4. Each player shuffles their Platform Deck and places it face-down in their Studio.
  5. Randomly determine which player will go first.
    1. That player receives the First Player Token.

Building the Platform Row

The Platform Row contains the three Platform cards currently available for players to Clash over.

  1. Starting with the first player and proceeding clockwise, players take turns revealing the top card of their Platform Decks and placing it face-up in the center of the play area.
  2. This process continues until a total of three Platform cards have been revealed and placed to create the Platform Row.
    1. In a two-player game, the first player will place two Platform cards at the start of the game, while the second player will place only one.


A game of Oshi Push plays out over a series of rounds. During each round, players will take turns playing cards from their hand to increase their Influence on the Platforms currently in play. When a Platform reaches its Popularity Threshold, the player with the most Popularity on that Platform captures the Platform and adds its Subscribers to their current Subscriber Total. The first player to reach 1,000,000 Subscribers wins!

Playing Cards

To play a card, a player must first spend Funds from their Bank equal to the card’s cost, found in the top-left corner of the card.

  • Content and Upgrade cards are generally played during the Content Phase.
    • Content cards must be played on the Platform that the player's Persona is on, unless a card says otherwise.
    • Upgrade cards enhance the player’s current Persona: Place the Upgrade card face-up on top of their existing Persona.
  • Action cards can be played during both the Content and Platform Phases. These are resolved immediately when played and are then discarded.

Structure of a Round

Each round of gameplay consists of the following three phases:

  1. Content Phase
  2. Platform Phase
  3. Refresh Phase

The Content Phase

During the Content Phase, all players first assign their Personas to a Platform and then play Action, Upgrade, and Content cards to increase their Influence on the Platforms in play.

  1. Starting with the first player and proceeding clockwise, each player assigns their Persona to one of the Platforms in the Platform Row by moving it from their Studio to the chosen Platform.
  2. Once all Personas have been assigned, the first player will take their first Action.

On each of your turns during the Content Phase, you will take a single Action. You can use this Action to do any one of the following:

  1. Play a card from your hand by paying its cost and either:
    1. Put it into play (for Content or Upgrades).
    2. Resolve its effects and discard it (for Actions).
  2. Activate the ability on a card in play.
    1. Activate abilities are indicated by the keyword “Activate:” on some cards.
    2. Each Activate ability may only be used once per round.
    3. You can only use Activate abilities on cards that are already in play, not from your hand.
  3. Discard a card from your hand to use its Discard ability.
    1. Discard abilities are indicated by the keyword “Discard:” at the bottom of some cards.
    2. To use a Discard ability, place the card from your hand into your Trash and carry out the effect that follows the keyword “Discard:”..

If you cannot or do not wish to take an Action, you must pass your turn.

Important: You will get another chance to take an Action if your opponent(s) doesn’t also pass!

Players continue taking turns during the Content Phase until all players pass in a row, at which point the round will move on to the Platform Phase.

The Platform Phase

During the Platform Phase, players Clash over the Platforms contained in the Platform Row, battling to determine who has the most Influence on each Platform. The player with the most Influence on each Platform will gain Popularity there and, if the Popularity Threshold has been reached, will capture the Platform and add its Subscribers to their Subscriber Total.

  1. To begin, the player with the First Player Token will decide the resolution order for the Platform Row. 
    1. You may start at the right-hand side of the row and move left or start at the left-hand side and move right. 
    2. You may not start with the center Platform.
  2. Once a resolution order has been chosen, the players Clash over each Platform, one at a time, in order.

When Clashing over a Platform, the players take turns playing cards or activating abilities, starting with the First Player, until all players have passed. When it's your turn, you may take a single Action to do any one of the following:

  1. Play an Action card from your hand by paying its cost, resolving its effect, and discarding it.
    1. You may not play Content or Upgrade cards at this time unless a card specifically allows it.
  2. Activate an ability on a card in play.
    1. You may activate abilities on any card in play, not only those played on the Platform currently being resolved. (But remember that each ability can only be activated once per round)
  3. Discard a card from your hand to use its Discard ability.

If you cannot or do not wish to take an Action, you must pass your turn.

Important: As with the Content Phase, you will get another chance to take an Action if your opponent(s) doesn’t also pass.

Players continue taking turns while Clashing at the Platform until all players consecutively pass in a row. Once all players have passed, finish resolving the Platform as follows:

  1. Add together all Influence from any Persona, Upgrade, and Content cards you have on that Platform and compare your total against any opponents who have Influence on that Platform. 
  2. The player with the most Influence wins the Clash. 
    1. The winning player gains one Popularity on that Platform, indicated by placing one of their Oshi Markers on the Platform card. 
    2. The winning player also gains the Platform’s “Clash Reward:” if any.
  3. Players do not gain Popularity or Clash Rewards in the event of a tie.

Important: You are considered to have won a Clash even if you are the only player with Influence on a given Platform. Add Popularity to the Platform and gain Clash Rewards as normal.

  1. If any player now has Popularity on that Platform equal to or greater than the Platform’s Popularity Threshold, they capture that Platform and complete the following steps:
    1. The player who captured the Platform moves the Platform card next to their Studio and adds its Subscribers to their Subscriber Total.
      1. If that player now has 1,000,000 Subscribers or more, they immediately win the game.
    2. All other players convert any Popularity they had on the captured Platform into Funds and adds those to their Bank.
    3. All players Delete any Content cards from the captured Platform (placing them into their Trash) and move any Persona or Upgrade cards at that Platform back to their Studio.
    4. The player to the left of the one who captured the Platform reveals the top card from their Platform Deck and adds it to the Platform Row in place of the captured Platform.

Continue following these steps to resolve Clashes at each Platform until all three Clashes have been resolved, at which point the round moves on to the Refresh Phase.

The Refresh Phase

During the Refresh Phase, players reset their Personas, collect Funds, and draw cards.

*[Note] Content Cards remain on their Platforms unless deleted/discarded from card abilities or captured Platforms. If a Platform’s Popularity Threshold has not been reached, it is not captured and remains in play. 

  1. Each player returns their current Persona or Upgrade card to their Studio if they have not already done so.
  2. Each player receives Funds equal to the Funds stat on their current Persona or Upgrade card and adds these to their Bank.
  3. Each player draws one card from their Draw Deck, then each player discards down to seven cards in their hand if they have more than seven.
    1. If, at any time, a player needs to draw cards and their Draw Deck is empty, they lose the game.
  4. The player with the First Player Token passes it to the player on their left.

Winning the Game

If, at any time during the game, a player has Platform cards totaling 1,000,000 or more Subscribers, they win immediately!


Battle Royale (3-4 Players)

Up to four players can battle for digital dominance in a Battle Royale. Gameplay during a Battle Royale follows the same rules as a normal game with two key differences:

  1. When creating the Platform Row, the first three players will each reveal and place one Platform, starting with the First Player and proceeding clockwise.
  2. Once a player chooses to pass during their turn, they may not take another Action even if one or more of the remaining players chooses not to pass.
    1. During the Content Phase, once you have passed, you are done playing until the start of the Platform Phase.
    2. During the Platform Phase, once you have passed, you are done playing until it's time to resolve the Clash at the next Platform. When you pass during the final Platform resolution, you are done playing until the start of the Refresh Phase.

Team Battle Collabs (4 Players)

If you’ve got four players and aren’t interested in playing a Battle Royale, form teams of two and try a Team Battle Collab. Gameplay during a Team Battle Collab follows most of the same rules as a normal game, with several key differences:

Setup and the Platform Row

  1. Each player sits side-by-side with their collab partners and places their Persona face-up in front of them as normal.
  2. Each player collects Funds equal to their Persona’s Funds stat as normal.
    1. While playing a Team Battle, each player will maintain a separate Bank, and each must pay for any cards they play out of their own Bank.
  3. Each player shuffles their Draw Deck and draws five cards, and each may mulligan as normal.
  4. Each player shuffles their Platform deck as normal.
  5. Randomly determine which team will go first.
  6. Starting with the right-most player of the First Team and proceeding clockwise, each player reveals the top card from their Platform Deck and places it face-up in the center of the play area.
    1. This continues until a total of three Platforms have been placed to create the Platform Row.
    2. In a Team Battle, the first team will place two Platforms during this step while the opposing team will place only one.

The Content Phase

  1. Starting with the First Team and proceeding clockwise, each team will assign both of their Personas to the Platform of their choice.
    1. Players may assign their Persona to the same Platform as their teammate, or to a different Platform.
  2. Once Personas have been assigned, the team with the First Player Token will take the first Action.

During each of your team’s turns, your team will choose a team member to take a single Action. Actions are used exactly as described for a normal game.

Teams continue taking Actions until both teams pass consecutively.

The Platform Phase

  1. The First Team will decide the resolution order for the Platform Row as normal.

While resolving Platforms, during your team’s turn, your team can take a single Action. Actions are used exactly as described for a normal game.

Teams continue taking turns while resolving a Platform until both teams consecutively pass. Once both teams have passed, finish resolving the Platform as follows:

  1. Add together all Influence from any Persona, Upgrade, or Content cards your team has on that Platform and compare your team’s total against the opposing team. 
  2. The team with the most Influence wins the Clash. 
    1. The winning team gains one Popularity on that Platform, indicated by placing one of their Oshi Markers on the Platform card. 
    2. The winning team also gains the Platform’s “Clash Reward:” if any.
  3. Teams do not gain Popularity or Clash Rewards in the event of a tie.
  4. If any team now has Popularity on the Platform equal to or greater than the Platform’s Popularity Threshold, they capture that Platform and complete the following steps:
    1. The team who captured the Platform moves the Platform card next to their Studio and adds its Subscribers to their Subscriber Total.
      1. If that team now has 1,000,000 Subscribers or more, they immediately win the game.
    2. The team that did not capture the Platform converts any Influence they had on the captured Platform into Funds and adds those to their Banks.
    3. All players delete any Content cards from the captured Platform and move any Persona or Upgrade cards at that Platform back to their Studios.
    4. The team that did not capture the Platform chooses a player from their team to reveal the top card from their Platform deck and add it to the Platform Row in place of the captured Platform.

The Refresh Phase

  1. Each team returns their current Persona or Upgrade cards to their Studios if they have not already done so.
  2. Each player receives Funds equal to the Funds stat on their current Persona or Upgrade card and adds these to their Bank.
  3. Each player draws one card from their Draw Deck.
  4. The team with the First Player Token passes it to the opposing team.


Activate – A keyword that precedes some ability text, indicating that a player can use their Action during a turn to activate that ability and gain its effect. Each Activate ability may only be used once per round.

Boost # – A keyword that precedes some effect text. When playing a card with Boost #, a player may spend the indicated amount of Funds in addition to the card’s normal cost to gain the listed effect.

Clash – A Clash takes place each time players resolve a Platform during the Platform Phase.
*[Note] that you are considered to have won the Clash if you are the only player with Influence on that Platform.

Clash Reward – Some Platforms will offer a Clash Reward. Any player that wins a Clash over that Platform earns the listed reward.

Delete – Many cards will allow you to Delete Content cards from play. When a Content card is Deleted, place it into its owner’s Trash. Content is also Deleted when its Platform is captured.

Discard  A keyword that precedes some effect text, indicating that players can use their Action to discard that card from their hand into their Trash to gain the listed effect.

Dominating – A player is considered to be Dominating a Platform if they have the most Content cards on that Platform. (Highest number of Content cards, not necessarily the most Influence there) No player is considered to be Dominating in the event of a tie.

Funds – Players earn Funds as indicated by their current Persona or Upgrade card at the start of the game and during each Refresh Phase. Players must spend Funds to play cards from their hand. Unused Funds are saved in the Bank until spent in later rounds.

Influence – Persona, Upgrade, and Content cards all have an Influence stat that contributes to a player’s total Influence on the Platform that card is on. The player with the most Influence on each Platform during the Platform Phase will gain Popularity on that Platform.

Kickback # – While you have an Upgrade or Content with Kickback on a Platform, you will earn the indicated number of Funds each time you lose a Clash on that Platform.

Oshi Markers – Oshi Markers are used both to represent your Funds and to track your Popularity on Platforms.

When you gain Funds, add that many Oshi Markers to your Bank. When you spend Funds, remove that many Oshi Markers from your Bank.

When you gain Popularity on a Platform, place one Oshi Marker on that Platform card. When your number of Oshi Markers on a given Platform meets or exceeds that Platform’s Popularity Threshold, you capture that Platform.

Oshi Markers are meant to be “unlimited.” If you run out of markers, use a suitable substitute. 

Popularity – The player or team with the most Influence on a Platform during a Clash there will earn Popularity on that Platform.

Popularity Threshold – Each Platform has a Popularity Threshold. As soon as a player or team has Popularity on that Platform equal to or greater than the Popularity Threshold, they capture that Platform.

Steal - When an effect instructs you to obtain Popularity from an opponent on a Platform, remove opponent Popularity from the Platform equal to the amount indicated by the effect, then gain Popularity on the Platform equal to the amount removed

Subscribers – Each captured Platform awards players some number of Subscribers, which are added to that player’s Subscriber Total.

Subscriber Total – Your Subscriber Total is the combined total of all Subscribers across all Platforms you’ve captured. When this number reaches 1,000,000 Subscribers or more, you win!

Trash – Each player has a Trash that serves as their discard pile. Deleted Content and discarded cards go into your Trash.